Fill in the form below for University Representative Application. The process regarding your application will be notified to you within a maximum of 5 working days.
Make sure that the pre-application form information you provide is true and verifiable when requested. The 600 USD you will pay with the application is important for the seriousness of your application and will be used for the communication and shipping costs for the next stages. This fee will not be refunded.
If your application is rejected. If there is more than one application from a country or region, the applicants who have more references, who are deemed to represent our University better, and who have an academic background, are considered by our Board of Trustees, and will be selected first.
If your representation is accepted: The Campus you will be connected to will be Turkey - University of Northwest. Due to pandemic decisions and measures, you will conduct distance education for a while. Corporate Website:
All curriculum, explanation, student collections, corporate shares and all other details will be sent to you after your application.
Authorization document, preliminary agreement, information, authorization and documents regarding your ability to accept students are delivered to your e-mail and then to your address by cargo, with clear explanations in the above-mentioned detail package. After your application is accepted, you do not need to make a separate payment to our university center. The remaining financial transactions will be seen through monthly progress payments.
Again, after your application is accepted, you will be notified of your assignment as "Assistant Dean", provided that we are sure of the sufficient criteria. All details and requirements will be communicated to you within 5 working days as written above.