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by Prof Dr. Bilal Semih Bozdemir
Stages of
Allocating a memory
system in three parts is often useful: encoding, after a certain time, as a
result of previous experience until recording which is called storage and, means ensuring
acceptable or memorable information input by showing the fulfillment of the
relevant editing. Studies on encoding usually apply the nature of the object and /
or by changing the way of learning during an education process. The impact of process
stages, in terms of meaning rather than treating, is to process the visual
features of a word, revealing a clearer consequences for future recall or in
terms of acceptance, is a good example for what we are talking about.
Storage is measured by remembrance
skills. Surprisingly, even if the learning process is influenced by many
temporary or permanent factors consisting of permanent brain function
information, it is observed that the deletion rate of the memory is less
sensitive to patient type or encoding procedure (Kopelman, 1985). Memory loss rate or
forgetting problems in patients due to the brain's temporal lobe, although
there are assumptions that it was different than the patients with damage in
Anat, this is not something that emerged in subsequent research, and it is too
early to conclude that such patients cannot make rapidly forget information.
If the stored
information is used, in order to have an impact on the next performance, then we
will have to open the memory directly or indirectly, and it will be corrected directly
in the indirect memory.
Fixing or repairing
memory to make it remember things requires the use of two basic methods that
require the copying of human stimulating objects or object identification. This requires a man to
be able to show an object (recognition of yes / no) or to select one or two
alternatives against a previously shown object (push / select definition). The performance of defining a Yes-no answer, will be influenced by the level of attention that
people have. Saying "yes" to everything doesn’t of course necessary
requires a memory, but could help us categorize correctly or to show any kind
of memory objectives that has been shown previously. A human being performing
such acts will not be believed, of course, but while showing an object, the
more subtle differences in performance of observing an object and asking
himself was it a previously shown object ("old") or is it newly shown
("new") and his level of attention will greatly influence when he’s
making decisions.
There are many ways to
understand the differences in the level of attention among people. One of them is
considered to be the fact that when people aren’t able to remember some objects
there are many of them who just "edit or correct by guessing". By assuming the fact
that there is an equal probability for their estimation or guessing to be right
or wrong and estimates that there would be being the "old" so-called
false alarm of objects as being incorrect guessing may also have accurate
estimates (hits). There are fixing with estimates which may also include later subtracting the
total number of false alarms. An alternate method related to this measurement which is somewhat
more complicated, is the use of an individual research
theory, and this one is composed of two measurements corresponding to the
two measurements of the level of attention that are used by that person in
terms of theoretical capacity memory (Lockhart, 2000). The forcing-selection
method must select only one object from each group of people, as a result, there
cannot be a proper attention at this level.
In general, they proved
that the identification of corrective action by only stating "new"
and "old" as separate objects is not sufficient, after comparing we
have to remember that we have to specify what it is about and that the former
statement is a less significant role to play.
Probably the most simple
recall method, in a number of substances, and especially for a word shown in
the order that you want people to remember as many words as possible is expected
to be the free call method. When an instant recall occurs it somehow depends on the location
in the queue watched with a great possibility of recalling a word extent
showing words, has the advantage of first or second in the material (the effect
of priority), is more difficult to remember the middle article, best remembered
for rate moves in a straight function seen in the final words (innovation
effect). Remembering all the performance improvements come into effect
regardless of the instant and this mostly occurs in the free call depending on the
long-term memory of the words and visuals, and it affects all the performance
of variables such as frequency and semantic association.
A common variable
observed in free call is set to use the word in the same semantic category,
such as creating a list including four animals, four flowers, four colors and
four professions with a former list of 16 words designating specific objects. Even when it was shown
to people in a complicated scheme they demonstrated that they used as a basis
for coding and fix meanings, they tend to remember words based on semantic
patterns. These effects become more powerful when the same list was shown
during several trials later on.
In fact, with people’s
leaning skills, even completely unrelated word, there was a tendency to group
into specific clusters that seemed semantically related (Tulving & Patkau,
1962). In case of non-fiction, in the first level of performance the
thing to be remembered, is not the total
number of words, but it is prepared according to the number of word clusters
and groups (Tulving, 1962).
Innovation effect
follows a different model, while remaining insensitive to the many variables
that will improve the long-term memory, it is very sensitive to a disruption
caused by a short delay in an activity such as numbers counting. (Glanz, 1972). The impact of innovation
in advance, it’s even still so in some models, were thought to represent a
short-term memory. But it can occur in almost the same principles followed novelty
effects, sometimes minutes, even days, and in several months’ time period, for
example, just as in the remembrance of puzzle games as well as in case of
remembering the parking lot after going several times into a laboratory
(Baddeley and Hitch, 1977, Costa Pinco and Baddeley, 1991) . Situations such as
short-term memory processes as a series of numbers which together span
validates the novelty effect, but nevertheless indicated the need for a more
complex model (Baddeley and Hitch, 1974). Another opinion is to
say that the novelty effect of some short term, some represent a clear
operating mechanism operating on different stores in the long-term memory (for
the opinion of the discussion, see Baddeley and Hitch, 1993).
A little more complex long-term
memory, includes also a remembrance of action in series, it is brought to the
people or shown to them a number of material beyond the memory scope and then
these material are removed from that person’s view and then they are tested by
a number of experiments style or one series until they have completely
memorized it, so technically in that method those people are expected to recall
everything they will be show later on based on the order shown previously. In this case the serial
position curve is a curve showing the maximum error is often just beyond the
middle. This method was widely used in the 1940s and 50s, but is now used
less frequently.
A popular method for
testing the long-term memory is implemented through bilateral association learning,
with this method it is expected from people to bring together a set of word
pairs (such as "cow-tree"), as
stimulus word "cow" is displayed and the word "tree" is
expected to be given as an answer. This technique is an
essential part of the many clinical memory tests, and incites to bring together
word pairs that are related to each other such as “cow-milk” by giving more
unrelated pairs of words such as "dog-cloud". This method can obviously
be used for and by people in their own languages (Latin, as a kind of
sail) or in a foreign language (such as hausreck, meaning grasshoppers) while
learning a word. Finally, more complex and realistic material are used to recall a
book’s sections of in a visual way. This has the advantage
of being close to the immediate environment and he/she (the patient) will need it
surely to access his/her memory. This will lead us to the last topics about
memory called daily memory.
Daily Memory
Since 100 years ago
study researches about the memory, tend to be drawn into two different
directions from each other. Ebbinghaus (1885) proved many years ago that memory function, and
simply memory could be studied objectively in analyzing unrelated string of
made-up words, called meaningless syllables, with a rapidly simplified form.
On the other hand, a more
naturalistic psychology approach has been defended by Galton (1883) and later
on, usually in North America from the patient, a technique consisting in
expecting from patients to recall sections of complex books including
irrelevant material to each other like Indian culture legends, has been
developed by Bartlett (1932).
The evident conflict
between these two approaches, has arisen again in recent years, due to
Neisser’s following statement: “none of the interesting aspects of memory have
been studied by any psychologists” besides, Banaji and Crowder who claimed that
many studies on the daily memory were absurd too, so this disagreement has vigorously
increased. Unfortunately conflicts raised up in modern psychology are
artificial to a certain point. If the memory is as detailed and accurate as to the nature of
examined models produced, it can be tested in the lab with their experimental
control level there is no doubt that this can be implemented easily. On the other hand, the
deal is to create a laboratory method to test the generalizability of daily
life and clinical life, based on the theory that it is a rich source of
problems. A model which
could predict perfectly a person’s reaction in laboratory will show which of
the two simple reaction in a person's laboratory, its modeling will be of
interest to people who are in favor, but according to the more ambitious and
important questions that cannot contribute to the advancement of generalized of
memory work.
On the other hand, the probability of creating a scientific theory
is as less as getting a complex and amazing phenomenon of researching just as
constructive we want to have it.
Real-world-lab has two
constructive response given to the dilemma, one tries to generalize laboratory
findings to complex real-world conditions, and the other is to try to identify
phenomena which could not be explained by existing memory model in daily life. As the samples of first
model, the parking lot as defined previously and innovation shown in research
on the effects of puzzles could be remembered. To remember the words to
each other unrelated work done in the laboratory, effort to advance the recalling
of a similar tradition memory such as songs and poems is also another example.
A good example of the
determination of one of the unresolved problems in the world, which can be
defined as anything we do in our capacity to remember a specific time and place
of a possible memory. This is exactly when we
forgot to do something because we have a lot to complain about our bad memory. But it is not clear how
to handle the possible memory although it is important from a practical point
of view. Absolutely it requires memory, because amnesic patients are
incapable of using it, but also young and intelligent people are not sufficiently
able to do some things at the right time. Most of the time there
is a possible motivational element in the successful memory and a strategy. Older people often forget
appointments fewer than younger ones, because they know that their memory is
weakened and therefore they usually take notes to support themselves, try to
find ways to concentrate on the need to remember or try to create internal
So that’s why in real life they usually make less mistakes despite
the probability of making more memory failure than young people under
laboratory conditions.
It has been a long time since
many of the observational methods based on laboratory measurements and
complements carried out on their daily work have been defined and it is considered
that have the possible memory who used to be ignored is currently very active. There is a doubtful
point, claiming that there is a need to check the validity of a continuous work
outside the laboratory if we consider that with a laboratory process it is
easier for managing the dangers than dominating the field. The current doubt
resides in the fact that the potential memory is not a single system or process
but is a reflection of the type of operation needed to achieve our memory
system. This question, of course, does not make it less important or
interesting, but reaches out a single and simple solution to the problems we
could not ignore.
A method related to
memory and laboratory-based approach will be used in the assessment of a lack
of memory space and can work effectively together. Traditional measures of
memory are based on the learning, and the associated binary suitable for use in
patients is then based on classical laboratory techniques, such as the recall
of complex shapes with standardized measurement according to the normal control
group. But sometimes patients complained at hospitals that they had
problems in learning binary associated words or in remembering appointments in
complex ways, in subjects such as people's names or to lose their way around. Sunderland (1983) has
decided to control the validity of this type of memory based on standard
laboratory tests corresponding to the patient and degree of occurrence of the
identified memory error careers. He tested a group of
patients who had previously received a blow to the head and then a group of
normal elderly people (Sunderland, 1983, 1986). It was found in
standardized tests that the blow to the head and age, with the increasing memory complaints
degraded performance. However, among the many performances of the objective tests, there
is no reliable correlation between function of the complaints of patients
recorded by healthcare personnel, and beyond the recognizing a portion of the
Barbara Wilson who paid
attention to this particular problem, designed an active memory test to try to
diagnose problems that have been identified to occur too often usually in the
head of patients suffering of memory deficiency and brain strokes caused by
cardiovascular accidents.
She has
developed a test to measure the Memorization
skills and the capacity of recalling new names of people seen previously, the recognition
of objects and image, in fact people are supposed to read a short piece and must
remember that moment and find a simple way to later on recall the form of 12
sub-components included in the so-called Rivermead Memory Behavioural Test
(RMBT). In this testing system there are also orientation measurements according
to the place and the time and some possible memory tests over time. RMBT is sensitive to
memory impairments and unlike more primitive methods of the therapists, it may
be associated with the incidence of memory errors in their working hours, as
shown in observation of patients (Wilson, 1989). A few years later in a
study on the amnesic patients Wilson (1991), Wechsler unlike the majority of
traditional methods, such as Memory-Measure-Testing, the performance level of
the test was found to indeed guess correctly the working capacity measured, and
this independently from the previous studies.
RBMT and Executive
Dysfunction Syndrome power of the other tests that use a similar philosophy as
Behavioral Assessment Test, aim to provide a patient’s his ability to face his generally
stems on a daily basis from sensitive and objective measurements whips might
encounter problems.
These tests are excellent in predicting how a patient might
endeavor, but should not be considered to be willingly to replace the tests
trying to make a precise assessment on different types of memory function. Such a theoretical test
is very important for health care specialists to understand the origin of the
patient's problems and therefore provide advice and assistance.
The long-term memory
storage process, is in fact a true pro rata, depending on progress in the
development of memory. Forgetfulness in daily life, based on the results that will
embarrass us, is a bad manner. Sometimes, especially people after growing older, usually say that
their memory is not so good as it used to be. But many studies proved
that even the memory of the elderly is in a much better state than they
thought. Here are some factors affecting this sensation: motivation up (people
who do not wish to remember or to learn a fact, cannot perform this. If you
feel alert and stimulated, it means that you will accomplish this more
easily.), application, skills, focus.