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In Psychological sciences, and
in the matter of understanding people’s feelings and thoughts, some research
methods are used to understand people’s specific behaviours. Among those
methods, we can define observation as observing people naturally that’s to say
in their normal form instead of observing behaviours in a lab, in order to
understand them simply in the way they are. In this way, the advantage of
observing people in their behavioural form and with the environment they’re
living in resides in the people nature and the fact that people are different
from one another.
Even with the few insufficiencies of this method its utilisation
is considered to be necessary by the researchers.
Although similar to the natural
method, case studies are also used to observe people’s behaviours in addition
to the techniques used by the researchers. In case studies, proofs of the
general personal behaviour are somehow observed with movements.
Investigative studies on the
other hand, are important to get rid of the insufficiencies in natural observation
and case studies. With this method the effects and lacks that are generally
noticed in someone’s behaviours can be understood. Results given in percentage,
help researchers in identifying the correct meaning of a person’s behaviours.
Another important aspect of investigative works is the fact that pretty much
data from relatively several people can be collected cheaply.
Because they give
raw data about behaviours and the diversity, case, nature and investigation
studies aren’t sufficient to explain the causes of behaviours. Another technique known as Correlational
researches, as it is based on the principles of correlation, evaluates the data
that are related. For instance, there’s a higher risk for people with some
psychological disorders to have other medical conditions. Depending on how much
people resemble that person the chances for him/her to adopt them are also
high. There are several relationships existing among similar phenomena.
Some other researches are
carried out by way of evidence / trial-and-error. They help us to enlighten the
previous experiments and simple tests made on that subject.
Behaviourism is one of the
Psychodynamic Psychology schools. It is defined according to John B. Watson’s
opinion about psychology. His behaviourism is based on the Russian physiologist
Ivan Pavlov’s experiments.
A question arising from Pavlov’s experiments was if
the conditioning could be applied to human beings or not. Watson proved that
the conditioning was applicable to human beings too with an 11 months long
research carried out on a baby.
Watson showed that fears could
appear and could be got rid of by conditioning.
Those works were a continuation
to Pavlov’s experiments. One of Watson’s students Mary Cover Jones (1924),
provided an “immunization” to a kid to his fear of rabbits by conditioning him.
This is the method she used: While the rabbit was eating it was shown to the
little kid and it was made to slowly approach him. This method resembles the
technique used nowadays to make someone insensible to his/her fears.
What else can be said about fear? Generally different things happen in our heads during the period it is
thought our fears appear in childhood. The first fears appearing in our minds
are fears from school, from darkness, the fear of being alone, the fear of
being separated from our mothers and the fear of strangers.
It is of course
possible to make this list a bit longer, if you know what we mean.
First of all it should be specified that fear is a part of a normal
development and helps a person to keep calm in front of dangers. Fear, from
infancy to adulthood, is a frequently experienced situation so much that
researchers proved that 90% of children during a period or another of their
development had feared something. That’s why it’s not judicious to wait for
kids to be absolutely or unconditionally fearless.
Phobias: First
of all it’s essential for us to separate fear and phobias. In order to call a
fear a phobia, it should suit the following criteria:
The kid’s fear is exaggerated or excessively high in
regards to the situation he faced, for example because he fell once from a
swing in a park he isn’t able to ride a swing anymore.
The fact the kid can’t be convinced by logical explanations.
The kid’s involuntary excessive fear or worrying.
The deliberate avoidance of the feared situation.
Phobias aren’t either specific
to an age or continue in the long term. In some
phobias, the causing event can be identified but in some several other cases it
is impossible to do so.
Some fears are regarded as normal at specific ages. For instance, the fear of
noise and of the loss of physical support is quite natural during infancy. The
fear of strangers observed from the age of eight month to 1-1.5 year old is
also accepted as normal. The commonly fear developed at age 5 of several
imaginative structures such as witches and monsters is also a predictable
Here the thing we should pay
attention to is the fact that some fears can appear at specific ages and should
disappear after a certain period of time.
For example, if a kid aged 6 is still
fearing of strangers this is a situation which needs attention.
are reactions to fear developed?
One of the most important reasons of the binding or linkage of a baby to
its mother is the capacity of the mother to decrease the baby’s fears. During
infancy and the early childhood the reaction a kid has in front of a new
situation is really influenced not to say determined by the mother’s own
reaction. A kid for example, analyses the expression on his mother’s face when
he is learning to ride a bicycle for first time.
If the mother support her kid and
allows him to gradually become self-confident and independent, that kid will
think about riding bicycles as an interesting activity and focus all his mind
to that activity.
On the contrary, the mother or the person taking care of that
kid, during the period the kid is trying to learn, watches him with an anxious
expression and continuously warns him of possible dangers, the kid instead of
focusing on that activity as he should, he will just pay attention to the
person who is more important than his own life and the anxiety related to that
situation will increase with time.
This will lead to the avoidance
of the situation and the will of never again trying to learn it. We call this
hesitative behaviour “a fear”.
As it appeared Fear is a behaviour of avoidance it has been identified
also as a conditioning. We said before that being afraid of noises/loud
voices is a normal thing during infancy. Let’s just suppose that in that
period, there’s outside a great noise while a baby is having a bath. This can
provoke a phobia of water or bath in that child.
Worries are alongside with the avoidance
and the conditioning another factor causing fears.
Worries or concerns leading to fear are mostly observed when in the dark
and been alone when falling asleep.
A kid begins to be aware of the social
rules at almost three years old and above with his father and mother’s
interventions. From that moment on he’s not anymore free to do everything he
wants. As a result, the kid starts being angry with both his father and his
mother who put him in that problematic situation, but he doesn’t want to
express that feeling.
Besides he feel guilty because of that feeling of his. In
order to get rid of that situation which is making him feel uncomfortable, he
expresses his guilt and fear to the several scary pictures he previously found
and that are representing his mother and father or in general the people
representing society and rules.
These scary pictures could be a witch, a dream
or a dragon.
Before sleeping the kid is
somewhere between consciousness and sub-consciousness. He’s now aware of the
angriness he hid inside himself, he then enforces himself to keep on hiding
them. At that time, actually he also needs the people causing him to have this
feeling, but also supporting him and giving him confidence, his father and
mother, by his sides.
When they’re near him he’s
sure of their presence and their love for him and so he can sleep easily.
Darkness is also a major factor of concern for a child and a cause to the
feeling of loss of self-control. To come over that worry he may need again a
support from outside.
Another source of fear is being
observed while one’s afraid, in other words, the fact that other people may
discover or learn the fears by watching them.
For example,
if a mother sees her child’s face white or colourless in a plane and she
understands it is because the kid is panicked she may also start being afraid
of planes.